How to sell

Sell on our platform is so easy!
  • Sign Up

    Create your account by filling in some basic information including business name, warehouse location, and payment details. Hit subscribe and done.Deposit $100 will be charged if break the rules.

  • Strategize

    Our consultants will work with you on a listing strategy including: wholesale price, minimum limited,descriptions condition codes, and photo best practices,shipping warehouse address.

  • Sell

    Now that your strategy is in place, start listing! Our marketplace is wholesale based with minimum order require. 

  • Ship

    You have the option to arrange shipping. For Buyer Arranged: you'll provide pick up and contact information. For Seller Arranged: a flat-rate fee will be applied to the buyer's order if no free shipping.

  • Get paid

    ​The buyer will transfer payment to platform. Once the shipment has been arranged and the order is successfully delivered, you will be paid via electronic deposit.

  • Deposit

    In order to ensure the effective operation of the platform and improve the shopping experience of buyers, you must deposit 100 US dollars when registering. If there are no violations during use, the money will be returned when you cancel your account.