How to buy


To start buying on Surpstock, you'll need to create an account with us. Please visit our Registration Page to get started. Once you become our member, you can start purchasing the products you desire on the platform. We require membership to ensure the continuous operation of the platform and provide high-quality services


Looking for a specific product? The Supply homepage offers a variety of search options including category, condition, and shipping region. With hundreds of products available at any given time, you're sure to find something you like. Don't forget to login to review the product manifests, minimum order limits, expanded condition descriptions, and shipping information.


We offer multiple payment options for your convenience, including wire transfer, PayPal, and credit or debit card payments in US Dollars, EUR or RMB. Please note that payment must be completed within two business days to avoid automatic cancellation of your order. We kindly advise you to avoid frequent delays in payment, as this may affect your eligibility as a member.


Please note that shipping options may vary depending on the seller's preferences. If the seller has chosen the "Buyer Arranges Shipping" option, you will receive pick-up and seller contact information in the "Order Paid" email. For orders where shipping is arranged by the seller, a flat-rate fee will be applied. To ensure timely delivery, please double-check and confirm your delivery address.

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